Thursday, 28 March 2013

Testes, testes, is this thing on?

Hello and welcome the the all new We've Become Mango blog! Herein we shall update you, the general public, hereby known as "you", on our latest adventures through this endless task we call life, hereby known as "life".

This week, we've been really busy trying to improve public awareness of our cause. If you've never heard of us, we're a charity specifically geared to help disadvantaged mangoes. A lot of people don't realise that there are literally thousands of mangoes being mistreated throughout the world, many of whom won't live past the point of ripeness. It's a real problem, but we're really trying our best to put an end to this needless violence.

We really need your help to spread the message. If you know or are a mango who is being mistreated, please don't suffer in silence. We're here to lick you better and show you there's more to life than getting the rind punched off you.

So support We've Become Mango in any way you can. Preferable with monetary gifts. Large ones. Because it will really make a difference to the lives of the mangoes we all know and love.

For more information follow us on Twitter @wevebecomemango or like us on Facebook for constant updates about our meaningless plight. Your support means the mango to us.

Lots of love,

WBM xxx

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