A few days ago, the Mangoes
three were sitting around in the super-secret basement of their exotic camper van
wondering what to do with their day.
They’d eaten their entire supply of hard boiled eggs and chased six weasels away for being snide.
They’d eaten their entire supply of hard boiled eggs and chased six weasels away for being snide.
James said:
Marianne said:
Richard said:
Marianne and James stared at
Richard for a long time waiting for him to tell them his big idea. He was very
slow to pick up on the fact that they were waiting for him to tell them his big
idea. Eventually he got there though.
So they took down the big book
of hobbies and chose one completely at random. Luckily they chose Falconry,
because Marianne has really been struggling to keep the thread of this blog
going and that seems like a suitably idiotic topic.
James said:
And Marianne said:
But then the falcon bit
Richard because it thought he was a bit of grain, so they had to put it down. It
wasn’t very happy about it, but then it became best mates with a woodlouse on the floor and
the two of them went off into the sunset together and an MGMT song played out the scene to fade.